Catholic Tradition Statements

The following statements offer insights from the wisdom of the Catholic Tradition which are relevant to a Catholic understanding of human sexuality and respectful relationships.


The desire for God is written in the human heart because the human person is created by God and for God. The starting point for Catholic understanding is that every human being is a person made in the image and likeness of God; hence human nature is essentially good. [1]

A foundational belief in the Catholic Tradition, based on the creation narratives of Genesis, is that every person is created in God’s image.  The second creation story describes how God formed the ‘earth creature’ and breathed into its nostrils to make it a living being. God’s Spirit animates the earthling and makes it human. [2]

Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains in a special relationship with the Creator. [3]

Therefore, human life, is holy, and immeasurably precious.  Created in God’s image, and animated by the Spirit, all human beings uniquely reflect their divine origin and the mystery of God’s presence in their being. The seal of the divine can never be obliterated.  That is why each individual has an inalienable dignity and worth that calls for respect and honour.[4]

Each person is an unrepeatable, irreplaceable being whose body and innermost self are nurtured by the love and care of self and that of others.[5] 

Humans are sustained and nurtured through the giving and receiving of love.  Love is a God-given gift and virtue. Love enables self-understanding and human flourishing.[6]

Humankind was created in love and for love.  Inscribed in every human heart is the fundamental orientation – to love and be loved. God is the source of all love.[7]

The mystery of human love is expressed through persons' bodiliness and sexuality.  The desire to connect with others, enjoy friendship, and give oneself selflessly in the service of God and neighbour is fundamental to a Catholic understanding of human sexuality.[8]

Sexuality is an enrichment of the whole person – body, emotions and soul – and manifests its innermost meaning in leading the person to the gift of self in love. [9]

Human life, beginning with the intimate expression of love in sexual intercourse, the miracle of conception and birth, growth from childhood to adulthood and beginning again with parenthood, repeatedly reveals God’s unending love for humankind.[10]


[1] NCEC 2017, A Framework for Formation of Mission in Catholic Education p. 7

[2] Sachs JR sj 1991, The Christian Vision of Humanity, Basic Christian Anthropology, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota, p.15

[3] CCC, 1995n 2258

[4] CESA 2010, Made In The Image Of God (MITIOG), Human Sexuality Framework

[5] CESA 2010, MITIOG

[6] CESA 2010, MITIOG

[7] CESA 2010, MITIOG

[9] John Paul 11, Apostolic Exhortation, Familiaris Consortio,1981, n.37

[10] CESA 2010, MITIOG